Thanks Aneil Weber from Postbubble: What will float and what will sink in the Web 2.0 space about the excellent review:
We talked about MADE Planet hitting a social networking niche properly. Another site that really did well with this is Amiglia.
Amiglia is a social network that really targets families as a place where each of them can login and see what’s going on with Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, Grandma, Grandpa, and any other person in the family tree. It’s easy to use and by clicking on somebody in the family tree it goes immediately to that person’s profile. Getting started is pretty fast (but could be faster) however once you set the basics up they make it easy to contact the whole family and let them know what’s going on and get them involved. They have things like recipes, calendar, videos, albums, and maps.
Of all the family 2.0 sites I’ve seen, this one takes the cake. It does give a few of the latest goodies like links to flickr and a tag feature however for the most part they keep it simple and will most likely not scare mom and dad away. Probably the most important thing about this site is that they picked their features extremely well by offering only the things that most families will want.
All I can say is that if this site stays true to what it started with, it will blow up. The key is to get all of the youngsters to initiate the service and send those email invites to the family. This process should actually be faster and not one of the last things you do when setting up an account. This is one of the most important things to do these days in order to ensure that your visitors turn into users. Active or not, at least you got them to sign up and if Mom sees what this site can do then she might just take it from there. I am floating Amiglia for being the second social network on Postbubble to hit a niche properly. They give their users what they want and only what they need.
Read an interview with the founders at Emily Chang’s eHub.
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