Thanks to Kristjan from Tallinn, Estonia for posting the following about Amiglia (does anyone know what it says? Help us out here...): - üks järjekordne sotsiaalveeb mis aluseks võtnud Orkuti edu kuid pole selle otsene jäljendaja vaid veidi spetsiifilisemat rida ajav üritus. Idee on et inimesed saaksid koostada oma online sugupuu aga seda mitte kõiki lähedasi ise nimekirja pannes vaid neid teenusega liituma kutsudes. Idee on tore ja nagu kasutajd on öelnud pole lisa funktsioonidega ülepingutatud vaid on tehtud täpselt see mida keskmisekt vajatakse aga kahjuks Eestis see asi hästi ei toimiks kui siis peaks olema kaks teenust koos sa paned ise online kokku oma sugupuu ja siis igale lülile saad kutsuda inimese ka taha see oleks hoopis huvitavam. - another socialweb wich use Orkut succsess but ain't copy of Orkut. It's little bit more specific software. The idea is that people can build their own onlin familytree but not whit all it's members just manuali writen there but whit inviting family members into online tree. Idea is fun and like members have sead theres don't have no unneeded functions everything is like basic user will want. But I think in Eestonia this idea won't work very well because older peaople don't use here much computers and younger generation use their orkut and
It's not word to word translation but it's what I tought whit writing it in estonian.
Posted by: kristjan | July 28, 2006 at 09:01 AM
Thanks Kristjan for the translation and for the commentary. I hadn't heard of orkut before but just checked it out. Is it more of a friends networking site? We proud ourselves to differentiate Amiglia as being the place to connect with your family, and we have seen this concept to have global coverage - not only in the US, but all over the world. You make a valid point about older generation usability - we work hard every day to make it easier to use for the older generation.
Posted by: Milena Berry | July 28, 2006 at 12:52 PM
yes, it's realy works outside us!
i'am now proud user of amiglia and my family network is growing.
good work amiglia :)
Posted by: kristjan | August 02, 2006 at 11:34 AM
Great I am so glad... Any comments that come up when you use Amiglia - please send them our way. We shape the site according to our users' feedback. Stay in touch!
Posted by: Milena Berry | August 03, 2006 at 09:17 AM